Function & Features
It transmits the impulse to the spark plug electrodes to raise the 12 volt voltage of batteries to a voltage between 10,000 and 25,000 volts, generating the power needed to start the engine.
Ignition Coils must meet high manufacturing requirements to ensure optimum performance over the long term. Their structure must be highly resistant in order to counteract the heat and humidity generated in the engine compartment and always guarantee reliable operation.

Trust the OP quality
Features and quality standards equivalent to the original.
Highly resistant materials.
High mechanical and thermal stability.
High short circuit protection
Performing even with cold starts

A single block containing several coils feeding the spark plugs through their respective single high output voltages, connected by spark plug cables. The OP range includes single and double spark pack type coils

Pencil Coils
Single coils, are applied directly to the spark plug without the use of cables. The high voltage pulse in this case is generated directly in the spark plug. Type of coils most used in the latest generation engines, because they are easier to replace in addition to the fact that they occupy a reduced space in the engine compartment.

Consisting of multiple single coils integrated into a single component. The number of coils in the block depends on the number of cylinders in the engine. The impulse is generated directly on the spark plug with the help of fewer connection cables than the pack model.