XZERO OP refrigerants ensure a correct solution in relation to the needs of the surrounding environment thanks to their high concentration and easy dilution.
The concentration of the antifreeze liquid also allows for a smaller footprint for the same active ingredient, a solution with less plastic and more respectful of the environment.
is a concentrated multi-season liquid based on ethylene glycol with the addition of a traditional inhibitorpackage free of nitrites, amines andphosphates. It protects all traditionalengines from corrosion, frost andoverheating.
Is a concentrated multi-season liquid based on ethylene glycol with the addition of a degradable organic inhibitor package (OAT - OrganicAdditive Technology) free of nitrites, amines, phosphates, silicates, and borates. Protects against freezing, overheating, and corrosion very effectively, ensuring fluid circulation within the cooling system, particularly suitable for new generation engines, especially for aluminum engines.